Friday 3 January 2014


It's -30 out, I'm still sick and wondering how I'll spend my day. I think a trip to the doctor is in order. I also want to go through my hard drive and pick some pictures to print out. I'm feeling the need for a tangible place where I can cement my memories. 

Speaking of wonderful memories, when I was in high school I spent two summers at a youth leadership camp located on the southern most tip of Vancouver Island and I absolutely fell in love with the landscape, the air and the people I was lucky to meet there. I've been tossing around the idea lately that 2014 will mark my return. I would love to travel around British Columbia and then make a quick stop in Portland. 

I found these pictures on the Kinfolk website. It's a portrait of Fortress Lake in BC and a few friends who took a remote camping trip out there. I want to stand on the edge of the water and breathe in that fresh air. How about you? Is the New Year making you want to wander too? 

All photos from Kinfolk website (source)

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